CBT and hypnosis, natural compliments

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is one of the most widely accepted therapies of the moment, and for good reason. It's relatively fast and it gets results, which is backed up by a mountain of evidence. This is why many hypnotherapists will incorporate a CBT approach and techniques within their practice.

But what does hypnotherapy have to offer CBT?

The theory of CBT is based on the three way interrelationship between Cognitions (thoughts, beliefs) Feelings and Behaviours,  often referred to as the Cognitive Triangle. All three pillars affect each other in both directions but this is most obvious when we consider how a thought such as "I'm not good enough" can influence how we feel - anxious, and that feeling can drive our behaviour - avoid participating. And that can work in reverse too, if you avoid participating you're less likely to develop and improve so more likely to feel confident and more likely to think you're incapable.

CBT focusses it's interventions on changing behaviours on the grounds that they are easier to directly change than thoughts or feelings. CBT will also work directly with thoughts and beliefs, however it's behaviour that gives the strongest lever to work with. Hypnotic interventions, on the other hand, access the subconscious, directly affecting the thoughts and feelings and relying on them to indirectly impact on behaviour.

So hypnotherapy effectively balances the cognitive triangle and increases therapeutic leverage.

This is affirmed in a weight loss study by Irving Kirsh in 1996 showing that when hypnosis was used in conjunction with CBT, over time it more than doubled the average weight loss of CBT alone.