Being calm and positive in the face of Coronavirus / Covid-19 and social isolation through remote online web therapy
These are strange times we’re living in. Never, since the last world war, has the normal rhythm of daily life been so upset. Feeling anxiety about the risk of catching Coronavirus / Covid 19 or transmitting it to someone vulnerable who you love is quite understandable. For a social species the prospect and effect of social distancing, isolation and quarantine can be crushing. And if you’re a sensitive person who experiences anxiety and worry on a regular basis, now may be a much harder time for you than most. And even if you feel young, healthy and invulnerable generally, you still may be concerned with the resulting financial uncertainties.
However, it really is possible to be calm, rational, positive and responsible during this period. It can be literally amazing to experience how quickly a desensitisation technique such as EMDR can clear the anxious feelings associated with triggers around the pandemic. Hypnosis and mindful techniques can be used to create and access a serene peaceful place within, from which you can experience a more realistic and positive perspective, and a reasonable expectation of getting through these times unscathed. Imagine even being able to perceive new opportunities in this experience, a chance to work on yourself, for new beginnings in a time of change.
And it’s possible to experience this transformation from the safety and comfort of own home through live online web therapy using Skype, FaceTime or other similar video platforms.