About hypnotherapy
Hypnosis refers to any method of inducing trance, which is a naturally occurring mind state that we all experience in its lightest forms many times a day.
Absolutely, the weight of clinical evidence over the last century is indisputable.
Nobody really knows for sure. There are many theories and models but perhaps one of the most widely quoted, and useful because of it’s simplicity, is the Mind Model.
Because hypnosis is essentially an agnostic tool, it’s not tethered to any single therapeutic philosophy. Hypnotherapy at it’s best can be a broad and versatile approach that allows the practitioner to draw from all other psychotherapeutic disciplines.
It’s generally accepted that anyone has the potential to experience hypnosis if they are willing and open. However it’s clear that people vary immensely in the way and degree that they respond to hypnosis.
This depends on 2 variables, how responsive the client is to hypnosis, and the complexity of the issue being dealt with.
Everyone experiences hypnosis differently to some extent. You’ll already know what light trance feels like as you experience it many times a day, when day dreaming for example.
Media and popular entertainment have given rise to many myths over the years. Let’s face it, fiction is usually much more fun and interesting than fact. However this has also lead to may fears and misconceptions and it’s important to be aware of the truth in order to relax with and benefit from hypnotherapy.